fredag 20 mars 2009

Bibliotekarie i USA - kan det löna sig?

"There aren't any jobs. If I could do it over again, I wouldn't study library science. What a waste.
Administrators don't generally appreciate librarians, particularly in special libraries.
You constantly have to defend your position and why the organization should retain you. It is demoralizing.
Do something else where you are valued for what you do and where there are jobs.
ALA and library schools babble on about shortages. There aren't jobs!! Especially now with this economy. And, if you do find a job, it won't offer a living wage."

Läs mer om hur det tufft det är för bibliotekarier i dagens USA:
eller med denna genväg (tack, Torgny):
(Läs också om arbetslösa bibliotekarien Kate Stewart, utan sjukförsäkring och med 700.000 i studielån.)
Mats Myrstener

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