tisdag 3 augusti 2010

Vänsterlänkar och Wikileaks

Att snabbt kunna dela och sprida information med andra är ju som bekant något av det bästa med sociala nätverk. Om du “finns” på facebook så kan vi passa på att tipsa om en användbar sida för att få och utbyta nyheter med vänstersinnade. Vänsterlänkar heter sidan och du hittar den här.

När du ändå går med i Vänsterlänkar kan du passa på att kolla in väldigt omtalade Wikileaks på facebook och ta del av deras uppdateringar och nyheter också. Så här beskriver Wikileaks sin verksamhet:

WikiLeaks is a distributed organization which publishes and analyzes information though an uncensorable approach -- focusing on documents, photos and video which have political or social significance.

Our primary interests are oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we also expect to be of assistance to those in the west who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their own governments and corporations.

We have received over 1.2 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources.

WikiLeaks, published by Sunshine Press, is an non-profit organization funded by human rights campaigners, investigative journalists, technologists and the general public.

Through your support we have exposed significant injustice around the world— successfully fighting off over 100 legal attacks in the process. Our work produces reforms daily and is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the 2008 Index on Censorship-Economist Freedom of Expression Award as well as the 2009 Amnesty International New Media Award. We do not accept government or corporate funding. We have never compromised a source.

Här hittar du Wikileaks sida på facebook.

Tobias Willstedt

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